Monday, June 24, 2013

Big Tree Down

We had a little bit of wind on Fri/Sat. It managed to blow down a pretty big Cottonwood tree. It landed right on the fence with our pasture and the neighbors. Loren had to get to work so he could fix the fence so the neighbors cows wouldn't venture over. I got some Pictures of the boys too while they were down there helping out.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Things are Growing at the Bratetic Farm

Got a slight green thumb this year...Everything is looking really good. Wonder how long that will last! We have a small flower garden off the east side of the house. Next picture is my leaf is nummy!next is my squash plants, next are my Peas and Beans, followed by a picture of my Knock-Out Roses and finally my Peonies!

Monday, June 17, 2013

Teather Ball

Spent a few minutes at the park and tried to play teather ball! Tried is the key word there!


Peyton thought I was taking a picture!!