We have been busy in the basement the last few weeks. We are remodeling the old part of the basement. Wendell (Strom, Loren's cousin) seemed to think we needed to know he was in the basement at one time. It matched all the other writing on the walls!!

This is what we started with...minus some "junk" that got moved out.

We took out the two pole beams and put up a ceiling beam in its place. We studded out the walls too.

We put up a wall to enclose the furnace and crawl space.

We got the door put on the furnace room on the left of the picture and some new stairs. plus we put up a door on the utility room.

We need to paint this week, then the contractor will come back up and finish the ceiling tiles in the rest of the rooms. Then all that is left is to get some flooring. We are going to carpet it.